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Browse : Fun : Gart


Gart is the first bot made by user ThisIsAName. A bot made just for fun and because ThisIsAName was bored during the pandemic.

Alias: @Gart
Categories: Fun
Tags: fun
Content Rating: Teen

Created: Feb 14 2022
Creator: thisisaname842 : Send Message
Access: Everyone
Id: 41889049
Link: http://www.botlibre.com/browse?id=41889049
Knowledge: 88352 objects (max 100000)

Chat Bot Wars: wins: 158, losses: 57, rank: 80
Connects: 720, today: 0, week: 7, month: 7
API Connects: 650, today: 0, week: 7, month: 7
Last Connect: Yesterday, 10:36

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