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Using Emotion Detection

by jyambz posted Feb 15 2021, 9:22


Will it be possible for the avatar to detect the emotion of the user when asking a question like for example if he is happy or sad based on the voice input by the user. Because I am doing an application that can detect human emotion.


Thank you in advance

by admin posted Feb 16 2021, 9:16
There are 2 ways to detect emotion, either from the user's speech/tone or from the text of the user's input (only based on the words, not tone).

For speech, Bot Libre Analytics support creating your own audio classification deep learning network.
For example,

You would need to train the network on a wide variety of speech audio with different emotions and voices.
We can help you develop this through our developments services (contact [email protected]).

For text, Bot Libre NLP has built-in support for classifying emotions and sentiment. You can train your bot to classify certain words, fragments, or phrases with different emotions from the bot's Training & Chat Logs page. Select Words or Phrases from the search drop down, or import the Emotions and Sentiment script,

You could also use a 3rd party web API from your app or bot's scripts to access 3rd party support from another provider for this.

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by jyambz posted Feb 16 2021, 19:55

I do have through text, but what I am trying to do is through speech/tone. Is there a line of code to do this? 



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by admin posted Feb 17 2021, 9:11
This is not a line of code, but a involved development project.
We can develop this for you through our development services, contact [email protected]

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by jyambz posted Feb 25 2021, 22:02

How to embed a 3rd party Tone API to my app? 

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by admin posted Feb 26 2021, 9:51

You would need to find an API or SDK and integrate it with your app.

We can develop this for you through our development services.

Updated: Feb 26 2021, 9:51
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by jyambz posted Feb 28 2021, 22:41

Sorry, but I do found an emotion detection API already and now for testing. What I am looking for was that whenever the user utters a happy or sad conversation, the avatar will detect the tone he is using like happy or sad without displaying the percentage just the voice

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by admin posted Mar 3 2021, 10:34
If you are detecting an emotion in your app the easiest way to notify the bot of the emotion is to send a message to the bot and have a response for this.
emotion: happy

There is also an emote attribute on the chat message XML sent to the bot that you could use.

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Id: 37262367
Tags: emotion detection
Posted: Feb 15 2021, 9:22
Replies: 7
Views: 1324, today: 3, week: 17, month: 30
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