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Bot Libre Forum : chatbot is not saying the correct time

RE: chatbot is not saying the correct time

by admin posted Jul 2 2020, 10:53

The issue seems to be with the format="%I".
For some reason we were adding 1 to the hour. We will update this.
If you use Self, jformat or format="%X" it will have the correct hour.

<template><date timezone="+4" format="%I:%M%p"/> -- <date timezone="+4" format="%X"/> -- <self>Date.setTimeZone(Date.time(), "GMT+4")</self></template>

Id: 34293020
Posted: Jul 2 2020, 10:53
Replies: 0
Views: 1543, today: 2, week: 7, month: 12
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