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Bot Libre Forum

having trouble with this aiml code

by bobred posted Dec 20 2019, 8:58

does this store for the life of the chatbot or has that changed?

please answer?

chatbot aiml work.txt

by admin posted Dec 20 2019, 15:32
AIML and tags store the variables on the current conversation.
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by bobred posted Dec 20 2019, 16:20

when I log out of a chatbot then talk to her again she will forget what she had learned.

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by admin posted Dec 21 2019, 10:34

Yes, that will be a new conversation.

To access global variables you need to use Self.


<self>#self.like =+ star</self>

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by bobred posted Dec 21 2019, 17:39

will my chatbot remember what I taught her the next time I speak to her with this aiml script?



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by admin posted Dec 23 2019, 11:25
get/set are only stored for the conversation.
See my last response.

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by bobred posted Dec 24 2019, 11:43

how would I use self in aiml to access global variables?

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by admin posted Dec 26 2019, 15:12
You can use something like:
<category><pattern>I like it when *</pattern>
<template>Is that what you always liked?  <think><self>#self.like = star;</self></think></template>
<category><pattern>what do i like</pattern>
<template>You like <self>#self.like</self></template>

Updated: Dec 26 2019, 15:13
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by bobred posted Dec 27 2019, 6:02

would this allow me to change what I taught her I liked to do?

I need it to store the last weekday I talked to my chatbot.

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Views: 2903, today: 0, week: 3, month: 29

by bobred posted Dec 27 2019, 12:47

it works.i can change what it learned with this.

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Views: 2713, today: 0, week: 5, month: 34

Id: 30922225
Tags: aiml
Posted: Dec 20 2019, 8:58
Updated: Dec 20 2019, 15:33
Replies: 9
Views: 3474, today: 1, week: 7, month: 53
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