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Bot Libre Forum : random remembered

RE: random remembered

by admin posted Sep 25 2018, 9:15

For also remembering like vs dislike, you would need another property to store this.

Something like.

<pattern>who lives * you</pattern>
<template>I <self>if (#self.likesCountry == null) { #self.likesCountry = random(true, false); }; if (#self.likesCountry) { "" } else { "do not" }</self> like <self>if (#self.country == null) { #self.country = random("USA", "Canada", "Mexico"); }; #self.country</self></template>

For exporting knowledge, you can export knowledge as JSON data from the bot's Knowledge page.

Id: 23744066
Posted: Sep 25 2018, 9:15
Updated: Sep 25 2018, 9:16
Replies: 0
Views: 2136, today: 3, week: 3, month: 40
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