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identifying a chatbot as male and female.

by bobred posted Apr 24 2017, 10:02

A female chatbot would talk to a female chatbot differently.Than a male chatbot.Like the romance chatbots would talk to a female chatbot differently than a male

chatbot.So the identification would be necessary.In order for the chatbot to say the right thing.

by admin posted Apr 24 2017, 14:19
You can add attributes to a bot or a user it is chatting with using a Self script or Template.

The global symbol #self is the object in Self that represents the bot. The variable speaker represents the current user in the current conversation. Any attributes you set on these objects (or any object) are automatically persisted in Self.

#self.gender = #female;

speaker.gender = #male;

Template("Hello {if (speaker.gender == #male) { "boyfriend" } else { "girlfriend" }}")

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by bobred posted Apr 24 2017, 15:40

Are all chatbots labeled as male and female?How do i determine if they are not labeled?

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by bobred posted Apr 24 2017, 16:05

Where would i put the code in this screenshot?

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Views: 1860, today: 1, week: 1, month: 24

by admin posted Apr 25 2017, 8:05
Bots are not labeled as male or female.

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by bobred posted Apr 25 2017, 13:26

If infact the chatbots are not labeled male and female.How is the script he posted going to help me?

Is that the whole script or do i have to put something with it?

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by jyambz posted Aug 28 2018, 11:54

Do i need to add some code here? where to upload? is it as a chat log or response list?

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by bobred posted Aug 28 2018, 16:34

here is a aiml script that may help you.it identifies gender by name.


I will try to help you as much as I can.it takes a while for the administrators to answer your question on this websight.

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by jyambz posted Oct 27 2018, 6:24

What about gender by voice, if male or female voice? 

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by jyambz posted Oct 27 2018, 14:14

I cannot open the link.

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by bobred posted Dec 13 2018, 10:20

would not it be easier to make the chatbot male or female in the description?

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Id: 16802800
Posted: Apr 24 2017, 10:02
Replies: 10
Views: 2619, today: 2, week: 2, month: 24
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