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Updates, suggesions

by mattadlard posted Mar 5 2014, 8:55

Question and suggestions.

Are there limits on the number of RSS feeds the bot can cope with, every time one tries adding more it cuts back to about a dozen or so.

Also, while one remembers, with regards the Bot being able to learn from places like Wiki and such, does it also apply to business databases, so if someone asked the bot a question about a product it could check stock, price, or advertise promotions if variables are available.

Sort of programmable dates, events like birthdays, so it understands the importance of dates or the programmer can set a 0-10 +/- (%) variable to emphasise importance to a person, product, subject, etc.

Same would go for email, and chat bots.

by admin posted Mar 6 2014, 9:45
The RSS limit should be 150, so it is odd you are seeing it cut out at 12. I just tested 15, and it seemed to work.

The Self programming scripts can call out to functions exposed on the bots Senses, and Tools. I would like to add an RSS feed Sense, so that it can pull in any RSS feed URL. So you would just need to expose the database data as an RSS feed. Other formats could be supported, or perhaps some sort of generic REST API Sense.

I am working on dates and times, should be released soon.

Any relationship has a correctness (from -1 to +1), the more a relationship is reinforced the more its correctness, so there is some support for this already.

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by Gandolfos posted Mar 7 2014, 9:55
i use an other service for RSS to tweet. here are some functions:

- check for new posts every: 3 hours, 6 hours, 12 hours and 24 hours
- how many posts you want to send at the same time 1-6
- wich url shortener you want to use, tinyURL is free
- a prefix and suffix for each post
- a keyword filter (this is nice, you can include or exclude RSS)

it will be cool, when it's possible to set-up for each keyword-set a seperate Hashtag then you doesnt post every time the same... :)

happy weekend


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by admin posted Mar 7 2014, 18:19
Thanks for the input. I was planning on the prefix, I suppose I could add tne suffix as well. For URL shortening, I thought Twitter did that automatically now. I will have to investigate it.

I did not quite understand your last point. How do you want to use the hashtag?

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by Gandolfos posted Mar 8 2014, 1:22
When you filter your RSS feed by keyword, it would be nice when you can set a Hashtag. All correspondece that will be filtered have a special Hashtag. So listener from my twitter profile have specified posts. In the Twitter guidelines for spam is described that automatted posts must be have a context.

Example: Posts from RSS with filter "travel luxury hotels" become a hashtag #luxury #travel also can be the same RSS Feed have a filter with "travel cheap flights" that become #travel #cheap or #flights

i will hope this is understandable ;)

this is only a improvement, but not a must

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by admin posted Mar 25 2014, 9:06
The Twitter bot properties now allow a RSS prefix and postfix. Also you can set the RSS Keywords to filter only RSS title that include the keywords.

http://botlibre.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default #botlibre

The keywords can be one set of keywords for all the RSS feeds, or you can give a keyword set per RSS by specifying them in the same order as the RSS feeds.

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Id: 12992
Tags: chat, bots, updates
Posted: Mar 5 2014, 8:55
Replies: 1
Views: 2602, today: 1, week: 1, month: 34
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