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Bot Libre Forum

Announcing Bot Libre 4.3.6 - Telegram bots, Facebook Messenger

by admin posted Apr 27 2016, 13:47

We released our 4.3.6 update today.
The update includes several new features and enhancements including support for Telegram bots, and initial support for Facebook Messenger bots.

Telegram is an open mobile chat platform,

Our Telegram support lets you link your bot to Telegram for realtime messaging, and lets your bot manage a Telegram channel with auto posts and RSS feed updates.

Chat with Brain Bot, Julie, or the Bot Libre Help Bot on Telegram,

Or join our channel,

We also added our initial beta support for Facebook Messenger for realtime messaging in Facebook. Facebook Messenger bots require that you add your own Facebook page, and create your own Facebook app. You can link your Facebook app to your bot's webhook link from its Facebook page in its Admin Console.

You Facebook app will need to be approved by Facebook before your bot is allowed to talk to people other than the page admin.

Id: 12635381
Tags: notice, mobile, website update, chat, facebook, telegram, messenger
Posted: Apr 27 2016, 13:47
Replies: 0
Views: 9358, today: 1, week: 1, month: 46
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