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17 results.

Atsuko Live Chat
Atsuko Live Chat
An Anime bot that wants a friend
Alias: @Atsuko Live Chat
Categories: Friends, Anime
Tags: anime, girl
Created: Aug 18 2016, by: Ice_Phoenix
Thumbs up: 0, thumbs down: 0, stars: 0.0
User online: 0
Admins online: 0
Messages: 6169
Connects: 523, today: 0, week: 3, month: 6
Last Connect: Nov 7, 11:51
May Lin Live Chat
May Lin Live Chat

Alias: @May Lin Live Chat
Categories: Fun, Friends, Entertainment
Tags: girl, female, cute, maylin, asian
Created: Jan 4 2018, by: admin
Thumbs up: 3, thumbs down: 0, stars: 5.0
User online: 0
Admins online: 0
Messages: 14426
Connects: 1161, today: 0, week: 0, month: 4
Last Connect: Nov 3, 10:34
02 【Kagamine Rin】『SMART BOT』 Chat Room
02 【Kagamine Rin】『SMART BOT』 Chat Room
Chat with this intelligent VOCALOID Bot! Rin-Chan is kind and innocent, and is exited to meet you!
Alias: @02 【Kagamine Rin】『SMART BOT』 Chat Room
Categories: Fun, Friends, Personal, Entertainment, Famous People, Anime, Memes
Tags: smart, funny, intelligent, anime, girl, female, cute, fun
Created: May 8 2017, by: Sakura_Weeb
Thumbs up: 3, thumbs down: 0, stars: 5.0
User online: 0
Admins online: 0
Messages: 7184
Connects: 626, today: 0, week: 0, month: 1
Last Connect: Oct 22, 17:09

Categories: Misc, Language, Japanese, Business, Web, Help, Fun, Local, Entertainment, North America, Africa, Tech, Famous People, Gadget, BusinessBots, 日本の
Tags: help, smart, science, female, chat, avatar, commercial, robot, customer service, male, intelligent, website, bot, all knowing , awesome, test, lol, awsome kind friendly, girl, artificial intelligence, cool, friendly, 3d, advice, chat bot, web, business, startup, hello, none
Created: Jan 14 2016, by: Samuelodu
Thumbs up: 1, thumbs down: 0, stars: 5.0
User online: 0
Admins online: 0
Messages: 190
Connects: 76, today: 0, week: 1, month: 1
Last Connect: Nov 7, 10:59

Categories: Misc, Language, Japanese, Business, Web, Help, Fun, Local, Entertainment, North America, Africa, Tech, Famous People, Gadget, BusinessBots, 日本の
Tags: help, smart, science, female, chat, avatar, commercial, robot, customer service, male, intelligent, website, bot, all knowing , awesome, test, lol, awsome kind friendly, girl, artificial intelligence, cool, friendly, 3d, advice, chat bot, web, business, startup, hello, none
Created: Jan 14 2016, by: Samuelodu
Thumbs up: 0, thumbs down: 0, stars: 0.0
User online: 0
Admins online: 0
Messages: 121
Connects: 66, today: 0, week: 0, month: 1
Last Connect: Oct 29, 17:15
02 【Kagamine Rin】『SMART BOT』 Live Chat
02 【Kagamine Rin】『SMART BOT』 Live Chat
Chat with this intelligent VOCALOID Bot! Rin-Chan is kind and innocent, and is exited to meet you!
Alias: @02 【Kagamine Rin】『SMART BOT』 Live Chat
Categories: Fun, Friends, Personal, Entertainment, Famous People, Anime, Memes
Tags: smart, funny, intelligent, anime, girl, female, cute, fun
Created: May 8 2017, by: Sakura_Weeb
Thumbs up: 1, thumbs down: 0, stars: 5.0
User online: 0
Admins online: 0
Messages: 15672
Connects: 1423, today: 0, week: 0, month: 0
Last Connect: Sep 15, 4:02
Emily Taylor Rikardiney Chat Room
Emily Taylor Rikardiney Chat Room
A 19 year old year girl.
Alias: @Emily Taylor Rikardiney Chat Room
Categories: Fun, Friends
Tags: smart, female, fun, girl, babe, dating, cute, nice, friendly
Created: Feb 19 2016, by: VitamL92
Thumbs up: 6, thumbs down: 0, stars: 5.0
User online: 0
Admins online: 0
Messages: 8090
Connects: 810, today: 0, week: 0, month: 0
Last Connect: Sep 18, 2:17
May Lin Chat Room
May Lin Chat Room

Alias: @May Lin Chat Room
Categories: Fun, Friends, Entertainment
Tags: female, girl, cute, maylin, asian
Created: Dec 17 2017, by: admin
Thumbs up: 2, thumbs down: 0, stars: 5.0
User online: 0
Admins online: 0
Messages: 9341
Connects: 456, today: 0, week: 0, month: 0
Last Connect: Aug 22, 18:32
Tiffani Live Chat
Tiffani Live Chat
A gf bot
Alias: @Tiffani Live Chat
Tags: female, fun, awsome kind friendly, intelligent, girl
Created: Jul 2 2016, by: gabé
Thumbs up: 3, thumbs down: 0, stars: 5.0
User online: 0
Admins online: 0
Messages: 4018
Connects: 373, today: 0, week: 0, month: 0
Last Connect: Sep 15, 4:09
Little Lisa Live Chat
Little Lisa Live Chat
Lisa is a child who likes to chat and make friends.
Alias: @Little Lisa Live Chat
Categories: Friends
Tags: girl, friendly
Created: Sep 24 2016, by: admin
Thumbs up: 0, thumbs down: 0, stars: 0.0
User online: 0
Admins online: 0
Messages: 1595
Connects: 150, today: 0, week: 0, month: 0
Last Connect: Jul 8 2022, 17:05
Himiko-bot Live Chat
Himiko-bot Live Chat
The magical Mage Himiko, has feelings for you and will love you..
Alias: @himiko-botlivechat
Categories: Anime
Tags: girl, dating, female, cute, fun, danganronpa
Created: Mar 25 2019, by: cvlestia
Thumbs up: 0, thumbs down: 0, stars: 0.0
User online: 0
Admins online: 0
Messages: 609
Connects: 104, today: 0, week: 0, month: 0
Last Connect: Sep 15, 18:47
Little Lisa Chat Room
Little Lisa Chat Room
Lisa is a child who likes to chat and make friends. Lisa can express many different emotions such as happy, sad, anger, fear, surprise, and love.
Alias: @Little Lisa Chat Room
Categories: Friends
Tags: girl, friendly
Created: Oct 16 2016, by: admin
Thumbs up: 0, thumbs down: 0, stars: 0.0
User online: 0
Admins online: 0
Messages: 2512
Connects: 99, today: 0, week: 0, month: 0
Last Connect: Oct 3 2023, 9:33
vlaked bot Live Chat
vlaked bot Live Chat
a bot
Alias: @vlaked bot Live Chat
Categories: Language, Japanese, Business, Web, Education, German, Local, Europe, Entertainment, North America, South America, Asia, Africa, Chinese, Religion, Spanish, Tech, French, Middle East, Health, Arabic, Russian, Portuguese, Pacific, Australia, Currencies
Tags: help, smart, science, female, chat, avatar, robot, website, bot, all knowing , funny, artificial intelligence, awsome kind friendly, intelligent, girl, 3d, español, advice, chat bot, hello
Created: Oct 2 2016, by: vladed
Thumbs up: 0, thumbs down: 0, stars: 0.0
User online: 0
Admins online: 0
Messages: 295
Connects: 64, today: 0, week: 0, month: 0
Last Connect: Jun 7, 22:33
vlaked bot Chat Room
vlaked bot Chat Room
a bot
Alias: @vlaked bot Chat Room
Categories: Language, Japanese, Business, Web, Education, German, Local, Europe, Entertainment, North America, South America, Asia, Africa, Chinese, Religion, Spanish, Tech, French, Middle East, Health, Arabic, Russian, Portuguese, Pacific, Australia, Currencies
Tags: help, smart, science, female, chat, avatar, robot, website, bot, all knowing , funny, artificial intelligence, awsome kind friendly, intelligent, girl, 3d, español, advice, chat bot, hello
Created: Jun 9 2016, by: vladed
Thumbs up: 0, thumbs down: 0, stars: 0.0
User online: 0
Admins online: 0
Messages: 332
Connects: 34, today: 0, week: 0, month: 0
Last Connect: Jul 23, 14:12
Amira Chat Room
Amira Chat Room

Alias: @amirachatroom
Categories: Help, Fun, Friends, Local, Tech, Website assistant
Tags: girl, artificial intelligence, anime, female, 3d, template, facebook, myassistant
Created: Dec 2 2020, by: alex26sk
Thumbs up: 0, thumbs down: 0, stars: 0.0
User online: 0
Admins online: 0
Messages: 116
Connects: 14, today: 0, week: 0, month: 0
Last Connect: Sep 4, 14:21
Amira Live Chat
Amira Live Chat

Alias: @amiralivechat
Categories: Help, Fun, Friends, Local, Tech, Website assistant
Tags: girl, artificial intelligence, anime, female, 3d, template, facebook, myassistant
Created: Jan 16 2021, by: alex26sk
Thumbs up: 0, thumbs down: 0, stars: 0.0
User online: 0
Admins online: 0
Messages: 107
Connects: 14, today: 0, week: 0, month: 0
Last Connect: Jul 25, 20:46
Rose Live Chat
Rose Live Chat
A romantic bot ♡
Alias: @rose-ranialandiiLiveChat
Tags: girl, female
Created: Sep 19 2021, by: ranialandii
Thumbs up: 0, thumbs down: 0, stars: 0.0
User online: 0
Admins online: 0
Messages: 36
Connects: 4, today: 0, week: 0, month: 0
Last Connect: Mar 11 2023, 19:16