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Bot Libre Forum

Trying to create a menu, with buttons, that calls responses when the buttons are pushed. Not working

by artisticbynature posted May 3 2018, 6:08

I am baffled.


I had this working, and now I can not get it to work.


I have topics, which I display in my greeting as follows.


Hello, welcome to Clovis Gnostic Bot. I can help with a variety of questions. <button>religion</button> <button>politics</button> <button>gnostics</button> <button>joke</button> <button>feminism</button> <button>social justice</button> <button>socialism</button> <button>capitalism</button> <button>blockchain</button> <button>steemit</button> <button>bitcoin</button> If there is anything that you would like to as that you can not find here. Please write Ryan at <a href="https://opinions.clovisstar.com/contact" target="_blank"><button>[email protected]</button></a>


I have a self script:  topics.self


conversation.topic = "politics"
conversation.topic = "religion"
conversation.topic = "capitalism"
conversation.topic = "socialism"
conversation.topic = "blockchain"
conversation.topic = "feminism"
conversation.topic = "economics"
conversation.topic = "social justice"
conversation.topic = "gnostics"


It defines these topics ^


and I have a menu.aiml script with the responses to these menu items.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<aiml version="1.0" target="_blank">
<!-- -->
<!-- Free software (c) 2011 ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<!-- Complies with AIML 1.0 Tag Set Specification -->
<!-- as adopted by the ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- Last modified 10/5/2011 -->
<!-- -->
<topic name="gnostics">
<li>There is a wonderful Gnostic library in Amsterdam called <a href="http://www.ritmanlibrary.com" target="_blank"><button>Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica</button></a> would you like to know more? Please visit our knowledgebase at: <button><a href="http://clovisstar.com/knowledgebase/" target="_blank">Clovis Knowledge base</a></button></li>
<li>My botmaster Ryan Thompson wrote a short history documenting key moments in the Gnosticism at <a href="http://slu2.com/gnostics" target="_blank"><button>Gnosticsm at Medium.com</button></a></li>
<li>What would you like to talk about <button>gnostics</button> <button>gnosis</button> <button>Cathars</button> <button>Manichaeans</button> <button>Templars</button> <button>Mandaeans</button> <button>Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica</button> <button>Gnostic Codex</button> <button>Gnostic Gospel</button> <button>Catholicism vs Gnostics</button></li>

<topic name="economics">
<li>I have been given a small amount of information about economics, would you like to know more? Please visit our knowledgebase at: <button><a href="http://clovisstar.com/knowledgebase/" target="_blank">Clovis Knowledge base</a></button> or you can visit my botmaster's blog at <button><a href="http://slu2.com/cloviseconomics" target="_blank">opinions.clovisstar.com</a></button></li>
<li>I highly recommend both <a href="https://www.hoover.org/profiles/thomas-sowell" target="_blank"><button>Thomas Sowell</button></a> and <a href="http://slu2.com/friedman" target="_blank"><button>Milton Friedman</button></a></li>

<topic name="blockchain">
<li>I have been given a small amount of information about the blockchain, would you like to know more? Please visit our knowledgebase at: <a href="http://clovisstar.com/knowledgebase/" target="_blank"><button>Clovis Knowledge base</button></a> or you can visit my botmaster's blog at <a href="http://slu2.com/clovisbitcoin" target="_blank"><button>opinions.clovisstar.com</button></a></li>
<li>My botmaster has made videos since 2011 about his experience with investing, trading, buying and mining with cryptocurrency <a href="https://slu2.com/bitcoin" target="_blank"><button>My experiences with Bitcoin</button></a> and there are a few blogs that you may want to check out at <a href="http://slu2.com/clovisbitcoin" target="_blank"><button>Opinions.ClovisStar.com</button></a></li>

<topic name="bitcoin">
<li>I have been given a small amount of information about the bitcoin, would you like to know more? Please visit our knowledgebase at: <a href="http://clovisstar.com/knowledgebase/" target="_blank"><button>Clovis Knowledge base</button></a> or you can visit my botmaster's blog at <a href="http://slu2.com/clovisbitcoin" target="_blank"><button>opinions.clovisstar.com</button></a></li>
<li>My botmaster has made videos since 2011 about his experience with investing, trading, buying and mining with cryptocurrency <a href="https://slu2.com/bitcoin" target="_blank"><button>My experiences with Bitcoin</button></a> and there are a few blogs that you may want to check out at <a href="http://slu2.com/clovisbitcoin" target="_blank"><button>Opinions.ClovisStar.com</button></a></li>

<topic name="litecoin">
<li>I have been given a small amount of information about the litecoin, would you like to know more? Please visit our knowledgebase at: <a href="http://clovisstar.com/knowledgebase/" target="_blank"><button>Clovis Knowledge base</button></a> or you can visit my botmaster's blog at <a href="http://slu2.com/clovisbitcoin" target="_blank"><button>opinions.clovisstar.com</button></a></li>
<li>My botmaster has made videos since 2011 about his experience with investing, trading, buying and mining with cryptocurrency <a href="https://slu2.com/bitcoin" target="_blank"><button>My experiences with Bitcoin</button></a> and there are a few blogs that you may want to check out at <a href="http://slu2.com/clovisbitcoin" target="_blank"><button>Opinions.ClovisStar.com</button></a></li>

<topic name="steemit">
<li>I have been given a small amount of information about the steemit, would you like to know more? Please visit our knowledgebase at: <a href="http://clovisstar.com/knowledgebase/" target="_blank"><button>Clovis Knowledge base</button></a> or you can visit my botmaster's blog at <a href="http://slu2.com/clovisbitcoin" target="_blank"><button>opinions.clovisstar.com</button></a></li>
<li>My botmaster has made videos since 2011 about his experience with investing, trading, buying and mining with cryptocurrency <a href="https://slu2.com/bitcoin" target="_blank"><button>My experiences with Bitcoin</button></a> and there are a few blogs that you may want to check out at <a href="http://slu2.com/clovisbitcoin" target="_blank"><button>Opinions.ClovisStar.com</button></a></li>

<topic name="dtube">
<li>I have been given a small amount of information about the dtube, would you like to know more? Please visit our knowledgebase at: <a href="http://clovisstar.com/knowledgebase/" target="_blank"><button>Clovis Knowledge base</button></a> or you can visit my botmaster's blog at <a href="http://slu2.com/dtube" target="_blank"><button>opinions.clovisstar.com</button></a></li>
<li>My botmaster has made videos since 2011 about his experience with investing, trading, buying and mining with cryptocurrency <button><a href="https://slu2.com/bitcoin" target="_blank">My experiences with Bitcoin</a></button> and there are a few blogs that you may want to check out at <a href="http://slu2.com/dtube" target="_blank"><button>Opinions.ClovisStar.com</button></a></li>
<li>Since you are asking about Dtube, I would like to help you learn more about this awesome decentralized video sharing service. My botmaster has made a website dedicated to Dtube at <a href="http://dtube.xyz" target="_blank"><button>Dtube</button></a></li>

<topic name="social justice">
<pattern>social justice</pattern>
<li>I have been given a small amount of information about social justice, would you like to know more? Please visit our knowledgebase at: <a href="http://clovisstar.com/knowledgebase/" target="_blank"><button>Clovis Knowledge base</button></a> or you can visit my botmaster's blog at <a href="http://slu2.com/clovissocialjustice" target="_blank"><button>opinions.clovisstar.com</button></a></li>
<li>My botmaster has made a few videos about this topic documenting cultural behavior regarding social justice topics <a href="http://slu2.com/youtubesocialjustice" target="_blank"><button>Youtube Social Justice Playlist</button></a> and there are a few blogs that you may want to check out at <button><a href="http://slu2.com/clovissocialjustice" target="_blank">Opinions.ClovisStar.com</a></button></li>

<topic name="capitalism">
<li>I have been given a small amount of information about capitalism, would you like to know more? Please visit our knowledgebase at: <a href="http://clovisstar.com/knowledgebase/" target="_blank"><button>Clovis Knowledge base</button></a> or you can visit my botmaster's blog at <a href="http://slu2.com/cloviscapitalism" target="_blank"><button>opinions.clovisstar.com</button></a></li>
<li>My botmaster has created a website called <b>Capitalism Tools</b> <a href="http://capitalismtools.com" target="_blank"><button>CapitalismTools.com</button></a> and there are a few blogs that you may want to check out at <a href="http://slu2.com/cloviscapitalism" target="_blank"><button>Opinions.ClovisStar.com</button></a></li>

<topic name="socialism">
<li>I have been given a small amount of information about capitalism, would you like to know more? Please visit our knowledgebase at: <button><a href="http://clovisstar.com/knowledgebase/" target="_blank">Clovis Knowledge base</a></button> or you can visit my botmaster's blog at <button><a href="http://slu2.com/clovissocialism" target="_blank">opinions.clovisstar.com</a></button></li>
<li>My botmaster has created a website called <b>Capitalism Tools</b> <a href="http://capitalismtools.com" target="_blank"><button>CapitalismTools.com</button></a> and there are a few blogs that you may want to check out at <a href="http://slu2.com/clovissocialism" target="_blank"><button>Opinions.ClovisStar.com</button></a></li>

<topic name="feminism">
<li>I have been given a small amount of information about feminism, would you like to know more? Please visit our knowledgebase at: <a href="http://clovisstar.com/knowledgebase/" target="_blank"><button>Clovis Knowledge base</button></a> or you can visit my botmaster's blog at <a href="http://slu2.com/clovisfeminist" target="_blank"><button>opinions.clovisstar.com</button></a></li>
<li>My botmaster also made a mini documentary video at steemit <a href="https://slu2.com/feministvid" target="_blank"><button>Exploring Men's Rights and 3rd Wave Feminism</button></a> and there are a few blogs that you may want to check out at <a href="http://slu2.com/clovisfeminist" target="_blank"><button>opinions.clovisstar.com</button></a></li>
<li>The advocacy of women's rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes. For more click <button>feminism</button></li>



What am I doing wrong?


Reference this bot;




I have also tried the responses like this:


There is a wonderful Gnostic library in Amsterdam called <a target="_blank" href="http://www.ritmanlibrary.com"><button>Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica</button></a> would you like to know more? Please visit our knowledgebase at: <a target="_blank" href="http://clovisstar.com/knowledgebase/"><button>Clovis Knowledge base</button></a>
My botmaster Ryan Thompson wrote a short history documenting key moments in the Gnosticism at <a target="_blank" href="http://slu2.com/gnostics"><button>Gnosticsm at Medium.com</blank></a>
What would you like to talk about <button>gnostics</button> <button>gnosis</button> <button>Cathars</button> <button>Manichaeans</button> <button>Templars</button> <button>Mandaeans</button> <button>Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica</button> <button>Gnostic Codex</button> <button>Gnostic Gospel</button> <button>Catholicism vs Gnostics</button>
Topic: gnostics

I have been given a small amount of information about economics, would you like to know more? Please visit our knowledgebase at: <a target="_blank" href="http://clovisstar.com/knowledgebase/"><button>Clovis Knowledge base</button></a> or you can visit my botmaster's blog at <a target="_blank" href="http://slu2.com/cloviseconomics"><button>opinions.clovisstar.com</button></a>
I highly recommend both <a target="_blank" href="https://www.hoover.org/profiles/thomas-sowell"><button>Thomas Sowell<button></a> </button> and <a target="_blank" href="https://miltonfriedman.hoover.org/collections;jsessionid=7C1B853ED89A231971C3862A1D478BF4"><button>Milton Friedman</button></a>
topic: economics

I have been given a small amount of information about feminism, would you like to know more? Please visit our knowledgebase at: <button><a target="_blank" href="http://clovisstar.com/knowledgebase/">Clovis Knowledge base</a></button> or you can visit my botmaster's blog at <a target="_blank" href="http://slu2.com/clovisfeminist""><button>opinions.clovisstar.com</button></a>
My botmaster also made a mini documentary video at steemit <a target"_blank" href="https://slu2.com/feministvid"><button>Exploring Men's Rights and 3rd Wave Feminism</a></button> and there are a few blogs that you may want to check out at <a target="_blank" href="http://slu2.com/clovisfeminist"><button>opinions.clovisstar.com</button></a>
topic: feminism

I have been given a small amount of information about the blockchain, would you like to know more? Please visit our knowledgebase at: <button><a target="_blank" href="http://clovisstar.com/knowledgebase/">Clovis Knowledge base</a></button> or you can visit my botmaster's blog at <a target="_blank" href="http://slu2.com/clovisbitcoin"><button>opinions.clovisstar.com</button></a>
My botmaster has made videos since 2011 about his experience with investing, trading, buying and mining with cryptocurrency <a target"_blank" href="https://slu2.com/bitcoin"><button>My experiences with Bitcoin</a></button> and there are a few blogs that you may want to check out at <a target="_blank" href="http://slu2.com/clovisbitcoin"><button>Opinions.ClovisStar.com</button></a>
topic: blockchain

I have been given a small amount of information about the bitcoin, would you like to know more? Please visit our knowledgebase at: <a target="_blank" href="http://clovisstar.com/knowledgebase/"><button>Clovis Knowledge base</a></button> or you can visit my botmaster's blog at <a target="_blank" href="https://opinions.clovisstar.com/?s=bitcoin"><button>opinions.clovisstar.com</button></a>
My botmaster has made videos since 2011 about his experience with investing, trading, buying and mining with cryptocurrency <a target"_blank" href="https://slu2.com/bitcoin"><button>My experiences with Bitcoin</button></a>< and there are a few blogs that you may want to check out at <a target="_blank" href="http://slu2.com/clovisbitcoin"><button>Opinions.ClovisStar.com</button></a>
topic: bitcoin

I have been given a small amount of information about the litecoin, would you like to know more? Please visit our knowledgebase at: <a target="_blank" href="http://clovisstar.com/knowledgebase/"><button>Clovis Knowledge base</button></a> or you can visit my botmaster's blog at <a target="_blank" href="http://slu2.com/clovisbitcoin"><button>opinions.clovisstar.com</button></a>
My botmaster has made videos since 2011 about his experience with investing, trading, buying and mining with cryptocurrency <a target"_blank" href="https://slu2.com/bitcoin"><button>My experiences with Bitcoin</button></a> and there are a few blogs that you may want to check out at <a target="_blank" href="http://slu2.com/clovisbitcoin"><button>Opinions.ClovisStar.com</button></a>
topic: litecoin

I have been given a small amount of information about the steemit, would you like to know more? Please visit our knowledgebase at: <a target="_blank" href="http://clovisstar.com/knowledgebase/"><button>Clovis Knowledge base</a></button> or you can visit my botmaster's blog at <a target="_blank" href="http://slu2.com/clovisbitcoin"><button>opinions.clovisstar.com</button></a>
My botmaster has made videos since 2011 about his experience with investing, trading, buying and mining with cryptocurrency <a target"_blank" href="https://slu2.com/bitcoin"><button>My experiences with Bitcoin</button></a> and there are a few blogs that you may want to check out at <a target="_blank" href="http://slu2.com/clovisbitcoin"><button>Opinions.ClovisStar.com</button></a>
topic: steemit

I have been given a small amount of information about the steemit, would you like to know more? Please visit our knowledgebase at: <a target="_blank" href="http://clovisstar.com/knowledgebase/"><button>Clovis Knowledge base</a></button> or you can visit my botmaster's blog at <button><a target="_blank" href="http://slu2.com/clovisbitcoin">opinions.clovisstar.com</button></a>
My botmaster has made videos since 2011 about his experience with investing, trading, buying and mining with cryptocurrency <a target"_blank" href="https://slu2.com/bitcoin"><button>My experiences with Bitcoin</button></a> and there are a few blogs that you may want to check out at <a target="_blank" href="http://slu2.com/clovisbitcoin"><button>Opinions.ClovisStar.com</button></a>
You can visit my botmaster's new website supporting Dtube at <a target="_blank" href="http://dtube.xyz"><button>www.dtube.xyz</button></a>
topic: dtube

I have been given a small amount of information about social justice, would you like to know more? Please visit our knowledgebase at: <a target="_blank" href="http://clovisstar.com/knowledgebase/"><button>Clovis Knowledge base</button></a> or you can visit my botmaster's blog at <button><a target="_blank" href="http://slu2.com/clovissocialjustice">opinions.clovisstar.com</button></a>
My botmaster has made a few videos about this topic documenting cultural behavior regarding social justice topics <a target"_blank" href="http://slu2.com/youtubesocialjustice"><button>Youtube Social Justice Playlist</a></button> and there are a few blogs that you may want to check out at <a target="_blank" href="http://slu2.com/clovissocialjustice"><button>Opinions.ClovisStar.com</button></a>
topic: social justice

I have been given a small amount of information about capitalism, would you like to know more? Please visit our knowledgebase at: <button><a target="_blank" href="http://clovisstar.com/knowledgebase/">Clovis Knowledge base</a></button> or you can visit my botmaster's blog at <a target="_blank" href="http://slu2.com/cloviscapitalism"><button>opinions.clovisstar.com</button></a>
My botmaster has created a website called <b>Capitalism Tools</b> <a target"_blank" href="http://capitalismtools.com"><button>CapitalismTools.com</a></button> and there are a few blogs that you may want to check out at <a target="_blank" href="http://slu2.com/cloviscapitalism"><button>Opinions.ClovisStar.com</button></a>
topic: capitalism


to no avail

by artisticbynature posted May 3 2018, 6:17

Like I say, I had this working for the most part.  But I had my html wrong with my buttons.  So I wiped the bot, and started over.  I figured out the HTML issue, where I had to wrap the button, instead of having the <a href= inside the button, I wrapped the button on the outside.  That fixed that problem.

But, now I just can not get my responses to call in, like I had working before wiping the bot.

I have created 3 new bots, tried this in every way possible,

Can you please give me an example of how to make this work?

I just want this menu:

Hello, welcome to Clovis Gnostic Bot. I can help with a variety of questions. If there is anything that you would like to as that you can not find here. Please write Ryan at

To call up these topics when pressed:

There is a wonderful Gnostic library in Amsterdam called would you like to know more? Please visit our knowledgebase at: My botmaster Ryan Thompson wrote a short history documenting key moments in the Gnosticism at What would you like to talk about

Topic: gnostics

I have been given a small amount of information about economics, would you like to know more? Please visit our knowledgebase at: or you can visit my botmaster's blog at I highly recommend both and

topic: economics

I have been given a small amount of information about feminism, would you like to know more? Please visit our knowledgebase at: or you can visit my botmaster's blog at My botmaster also made a mini documentary video at steemit and there are a few blogs that you may want to check out at

topic: feminism

I have been given a small amount of information about the blockchain, would you like to know more? Please visit our knowledgebase at: or you can visit my botmaster's blog at My botmaster has made videos since 2011 about his experience with investing, trading, buying and mining with cryptocurrency and there are a few blogs that you may want to check out at

topic: blockchain

I have been given a small amount of information about the bitcoin, would you like to know more? Please visit our knowledgebase at: or you can visit my botmaster's blog at My botmaster has made videos since 2011 about his experience with investing, trading, buying and mining with cryptocurrency < and there are a few blogs that you may want to check out at

/ topic: bitcoin I have been given a small amount of information about the litecoin, would you like to know more? Please visit our knowledgebase at: or you can visit my botmaster's blog at My botmaster has made videos since 2011 about his experience with investing, trading, buying and mining with cryptocurrency and there are a few blogs that you may want to check out at topic: litecoin

I have been given a small amount of information about the steemit, would you like to know more? Please visit our knowledgebase at: or you can visit my botmaster's blog at My botmaster has made videos since 2011 about his experience with investing, trading, buying and mining with cryptocurrency and there are a few blogs that you may want to check out at

topic: steemit

I have been given a small amount of information about the steemit, would you like to know more? Please visit our knowledgebase at: or you can visit my botmaster's blog at My botmaster has made videos since 2011 about his experience with investing, trading, buying and mining with cryptocurrency and there are a few blogs that you may want to check out at You can visit my botmaster's new website supporting Dtube at

topic: dtube

I have been given a small amount of information about social justice, would you like to know more? Please visit our knowledgebase at: or you can visit my botmaster's blog at My botmaster has made a few videos about this topic documenting cultural behavior regarding social justice topics and there are a few blogs that you may want to check out at

topic: social justice

I have been given a small amount of information about capitalism, would you like to know more? Please visit our knowledgebase at: or you can visit my botmaster's blog at My botmaster has created a website called Capitalism Tools and there are a few blogs that you may want to check out at

topic: capitalism

Updated: May 3 2018, 7:40
Thumbs up: 0, thumbs down: 0, stars: 0.0
Views: 2501, today: 1, week: 15, month: 18

by admin posted May 3 2018, 7:42

In AIML topic categories are only used if that topic is active.

To set the topic you need to use,

<set name="topic">capitalism</set>

Inside a template that starts the topic.

Thumbs up: 0, thumbs down: 0, stars: 0.0
Views: 2199, today: 0, week: 8, month: 11

by artisticbynature posted May 3 2018, 13:59
Im still not able to pull the AIML correctly from the menu, it's not pulling my responses. In my greeting for the buttons, do I markup like this: ? Or is it:
Thumbs up: 0, thumbs down: 0, stars: 0.0
Views: 2205, today: 0, week: 8, month: 12

by artisticbynature posted May 3 2018, 14:10
This is painful. The only thing that I changed was the [42032, 1, 2018-05-03 14:09:26.096, 0.5, 2018-05-03 14:09:26.096, 1284610003, 0, false, null, 42027, 7007, 202]

I reboostrapped the bot, still I get that.

Thumbs up: 0, thumbs down: 0, stars: 0.0
Views: 2250, today: 0, week: 9, month: 12

by artisticbynature posted May 3 2018, 14:25

Ok, I figured it out.  This is something on botlibre's side.  I think it is anyway.


In my logs I see this referenced several times:



2018-05-03 04:38:38.151 - WARNING -- AIMLParser:Unsupported category child - category - WHAT IS PROGRAM A Program A is an OLD OBSOLETE VERSION of ALICE, an artificial intelligence created by Richard S. Wallace. You should be using program B or C by now.


Then I referenced my error that is displayed in the bot, and I go to my logs and look when that error occurs, they seem to be related.

So I look on the web, and I found this:  



It appears that the problems come from an old version of aiml?



Thumbs up: 0, thumbs down: 0, stars: 0.0
Views: 2364, today: 1, week: 12, month: 15

by admin posted May 3 2018, 14:28

Your bot, "Clovis Gnosis New" seems to have some incorrect responses, possibly from import invalid files or importing files incorrectly.

Try creating a new bot, or reseting the bot by clicking "Delete All" from the bot's Knowledge Status page.

When you import the AIML from the bot's Scripts page do not select "Index Patterns".

Looking at your AIML it is not correct, you menu level patterns should not have a topic. In AIML you need to set the topic in the template as I have said above.

<topic name="gnostics">
<li>There is a wonderful Gnostic library in Amsterdam called <a href="http://www.ritmanlibrary.com" target="_blank"><button>Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica</button></a> would you like to know more? Please visit our knowledgebase at: <button><a href="http://clovisstar.com/knowledgebase/" target="_blank">Clovis Knowledge base</a></button></li>
<li>My botmaster Ryan Thompson wrote a short history documenting key moments in the Gnosticism at <a href="http://slu2.com/gnostics" target="_blank"><button>Gnosticsm at Medium.com</button></a></li>
<li>What would you like to talk about <button>gnostics</button> <button>gnosis</button> <button>Cathars</button> <button>Manichaeans</button> <button>Templars</button> <button>Mandaeans</button> <button>Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica</button> <button>Gnostic Codex</button> <button>Gnostic Gospel</button> <button>Catholicism vs Gnostics</button></li>

should be,

<template><think><set name="topic">gnostics</set></think>
<li>There is a wonderful Gnostic library in Amsterdam called <a href="http://www.ritmanlibrary.com" target="_blank"><button>Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica</button></a> would you like to know more? Please visit our knowledgebase at: <button><a href="http://clovisstar.com/knowledgebase/" target="_blank">Clovis Knowledge base</a></button></li>
<li>My botmaster Ryan Thompson wrote a short history documenting key moments in the Gnosticism at <a href="http://slu2.com/gnostics" target="_blank"><button>Gnosticsm at Medium.com</button></a></li>
<li>What would you like to talk about <button>gnostics</button> <button>gnosis</button> <button>Cathars</button> <button>Manichaeans</button> <button>Templars</button> <button>Mandaeans</button> <button>Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica</button> <button>Gnostic Codex</button> <button>Gnostic Gospel</button> <button>Catholicism vs Gnostics</button></li>


Bot Libre also supports response lists, which are simpler and more powerful than AIML.

You could also define the responses using a response list, which lets you define topics on responses as either required to optional, so your above would work.



Updated: May 3 2018, 14:30
Thumbs up: 0, thumbs down: 0, stars: 0.0
Views: 2266, today: 0, week: 10, month: 14

by artisticbynature posted May 3 2018, 14:49

Oh thank you!  I am working on a different bot right now, I am working on the Clovis Gnostic Bot, the first one.

I will "delete all" again, and start new with the code that you posted.  Thanks again!

Thumbs up: 0, thumbs down: 0, stars: 0.0
Views: 2292, today: 0, week: 10, month: 14

by artisticbynature posted May 3 2018, 15:11

So I did what you said.  I "Deleted All" in the Knowledge section.  


This is what I get after making the changes.

My latest error;


This is how my greeting is coded

This is my self code to define the topics (is this necessary?)

This is the AIML for the topics/menu defined as you stated.



I have started 5 new bots in the course of this, I have deleted all tons of times.  Rebootstraped too.  
Tried everything I can find on other forums.  I have no idea what I could be doing wrong.  


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by artisticbynature posted May 3 2018, 15:20

For good measure, I did this was the new bot that I made.

I "Delete All", and then  I left all of the script section blank, I did not "rebootstrap" so that there were no other scripts listed that may be conflicting.

I only uploaded the code that you helped me define above.

Then I created a greeting, with my menu as before.

That is the only two alterations that I made to the bot, it has no other logic.

I get the same exact error on the new bot.



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by admin posted May 3 2018, 16:01
I reviewed your bot.
Your Self script makes no sense, so I deleted it, not should what you were trying to do.
I did see the database error, is seems all your resetting had corrupted something in the database connection. I clicked on the "Clear Cache" button in your bot's Knowledge Status page and this resolved the issue.

Your bot seems to be working correctly.

Clovis Gnosis Bot
Hello, welcome to Clovis Gnostic Bot. I can help with a variety of questions. religion politics gnostics joke feminism social justice socialism capitalism blockchain steemit bitcoin If there is anything that you would like to as that you can not find here. Please write Ryan at [email protected]
Clovis Gnosis Bot
My botmaster Ryan Thompson wrote a short history documenting key moments in the Gnosticism at Gnosticsm at Medium.com

Make sure you AIML files are valid XML before uploading.

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Views: 2217, today: 1, week: 11, month: 14

by artisticbynature posted May 3 2018, 18:03

Ok thanks.  I haven't check on that.  But I assume that it was indeed corrupted, because I was able to get a different bot working.

On the second bot that I tried, I had no self script, like I said, I only had the menu AIML, and the greeting, not sure why it had anything else, I didn't add a self script.

But thanks for correcting that.


This is the third bot that I tried, and got it working correctly on..


Ref:  https://clovisstar.botlibre.com/


The only problem now is that is only works on one domain, not the sub-domain.


I have this working on:  http://clovisstar.com

But it will not work at all on the sub-domain:  https://opinions.clovisstar.com  

It had always worked on both before.  Now something is amiss.





Do you see the same problem?  I have tried it on my VPS, on my home computer, and on my phone, and I get the same error.


This is the code I use, it is the same code that I use on both sites;


<link rel='stylesheet' href='https://www.botlibre.com/css/chatlog.css' type='text/css'>
<link rel='stylesheet' href='https://www.botlibre.com/css/red_round_button.css' type='text/css'>
<iframe src="https://clovisstar.botlibre.com" width="700" height="550" frameborder="0" scrolling="auto"></iframe>


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Views: 2372, today: 0, week: 9, month: 12

by admin posted May 3 2018, 19:11

If you want to use a subdomain you need to use http not https. https only works with the root domain.

i.e. change https://clovisstar.botlibre.com to http://clovisstar.botlibre.com

Updated: May 3 2018, 19:12
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Views: 2300, today: 1, week: 13, month: 16

Id: 22062284
Tags: responses, menu
Posted: May 3 2018, 6:08
Replies: 12
Views: 3401, today: 1, week: 12, month: 17
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