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2 results.

Pizza Bot
Pizza Bot
This bot gives an example of a pizza ordering bot. It confirms the users order and send and emails to the restaurant.
Alias: @Pizza Ordering Bot
Categories: Business
Tags: business, demo, ordering, pizza, example
Created: Sep 28 2016, by: admin
Thumbs up: 4, thumbs down: 2, stars: 4.0
Chat Bot Wars: rank 2, wins 2, losses 4
Knowledge: 75618 objects
Connects: 11575, today: 0, week: 8, month: 26
Last Connect: Yesterday, 20:53
Pizza Ordering Bot test
Pizza Ordering Bot test
This bot gives an example of a pizza ordering bot. It confirms the users order and send and emails to the restaurant.
Alias: @Pizza Ordering Bot test
Categories: Business
Tags: business, demo, ordering, pizza, example
Created: Mar 2 2018, by: unibot
Thumbs up: 0, thumbs down: 0, stars: 0.0
Chat Bot Wars: rank 0, wins 0, losses 0
Knowledge: 20001 objects
Connects: 11, today: 0, week: 0, month: 0
Last Connect: Dec 12 2022, 9:37